The Bible teaches that the children of believers are part of Christ’s visible church. Therefore, we don’t have a “children’s church” but welcome and encourage our covenant children to participate in the worship service.
At their baptism we promise, as a congregation, to “receive them in love, pray for them, help care for their instruction in the faith, and encourage and sustain them in the fellowship of believers.”
To facilitate incorporating your children into our worship, the back rows near the kitchen are reserved for any parents who may wish to sit there with their young children. In addition, if you are not ready to have your children with you in the service, we have childcare available in the nursery (during our Sunday morning service) for children ages 3 and under. Our Child Protection Policy requires nursery attendants to undergo a background check before serving.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’ ” Matthew 19:14